While evaluating the VL53L1 TOF sensor the following quetions arose. Thanks in advance for any feedback.- The full featured API provides functionality known as RefSPAD calibration (missing in UltraLite API), which is suggested to be used when adding ...
Hello my company we use VL6180X for proximity sensing, in a robot gripper's finger. The sensor is located in the middle of the finger 10mm deep 7mm wide hole. The range measurements data of the finger's sensors are so different. I think this is cause...
I use VL53L1X ultra lite driver.For example:The value written to ALGO__PART_TO_PART_RANGE_OFFSET_MM(0x001E) register is 0xFF24 when VL53L1X_SetOffset() is called with OffsetValue -55.The value got from ALGO__PART_TO_PART_RANGE_OFFSET_MM(0x001E) regis...
Hello,I am building an IoT level sensor for a vessel. The vessel is emptied at the bottom, and I would like to sense how much stuff is still in there from the top lid. The tank is approximately 40cm deep, and 10x10cm wide and it is dark inside.Consid...
I want to implement LIDAR using multiple VL53L3CX.I have two questions about VL53L3CX.first,In the previous case of VL53L1X, LIDAR was implemented by setting an ROI.As far as I know, VL53L3CX does not have the function to set ROI.Indeed, is there no ...
Hi,I have a project with VL6180X sensor. Moving from first prototype to second revision, I have realized that I have no use for AWS sensor. Therefore I can switch the sensor to the non-AWS having, also cheaper VL6180V. Datasheets of these sensors are...
vl53l0x interfacing STM32F7I used Pololu libraries and replaced read and write functions with HAL functions, at first it worked properly for several hours, but after that it stopped working and returned 8191 value, after two hours it started working ...
I see from this GY530 schematic that the module has level converters for the I2C lines, but not for GPIO & XSHUT lines. When using a 5V micro-controller like an Arduino UNO or MEGA to run multiple VL53L0Xs using XSHUT to configure addresses, will dr...