2024-01-15 1:00 PM
I bought a Teseo-VIC3DA Evaluation Kit and when I went through the associated documents, they mentioned the concepts of "Teseo-DRAW and Teseo-DRUM". In my application, we do not have access to the vehicle's wheelticks/direction information so I guess I need to use DRUM. But I could not find any information about how to configure the evaluation kit to work in DRUM. Are DRAW and DRUM two different firmware or two different modes?
Another question is about the DR calibration. I first updated the firmware to BINIMG_4.6.18.11_VIC3DA_ARM and did not change any configuration. Then I installed the kit to a vehicle and after half an hour driving, I could see $PSTMDR2 showed "system ready" and $GPGGA showed the DR was working with location readings (strangely $PSTMDRCAL did not show up anymore but that may be a separate topic). Then I pulled the kit off from the vehicle and put it in my office, and found that $PSTMDR2 still showed "system ready" and $GPGGA still showed the DR was working after a long time. My question is, if I installed the kit to another vehicle, do I need to first erase the previous calibration or the calibration will heal itself in the new vehicle?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-01-24 9:48 AM
Thanks, Franceso. I tried these commands and it did work. Then I tried "$PSTMCFGMSGL,2,1,0,0" to remove the GPGGA message and the module got into a bad state again. So I am still not very clear about how to use these commands.
More importantly, is there any plan to update "Teseo-VIC3 software instructions" to include this information?
2024-01-24 11:43 PM
> Then I tried "$PSTMCFGMSGL,2,1,0,0"
This is the message-list-2 which is the one which running at the Dr-rate.
This list must have the GGA enabled .... and GGA is the message where you can detect the Dr-Fix
Why do you want disable it?
2024-01-25 6:39 AM
GGA sends out 10 messages per second, which may be too fast for us. GNS is 1 sample per second and is good enough. So I wanted to disable GGA.
2024-01-25 7:10 AM
IF you want runs at 1Hz you should set the LLI-rate (message-list-2) @ 1Hz
You can send the command:
Just a note: Teseo-VIC3DA is a dead-reckoning module.
if you runs GGA @ 1Hz (which is also the rate of PVT engine) you are at the end totally disabling the sensor-fusion coming from internal IMU.,,, because
when the DR-engine should provide the fix... in the same moment the PVT-engine provide a satellite-fix...
At the end you are not using the Dead-reckoning... but just a GNSS.
2024-01-25 7:16 AM
Is there any way to de-couple the module's internal engines from the NMEA message rate? I only want to decrease the rate of the NMEA messages that are sent out. I do not intent to affect the internal works of the module engine.
2024-01-25 7:51 AM
The proposed script already address the 1Hz GGA...
My point is that you are not using the VIC capability because when GGA is at 1Hz.... basically you get the position from GNSS.... and when you should get a position from sensor fusion.. you gen a new position from GNSS....
At the end you are not using Dead-Reckoning ... you are using a standard GNSS module like the Teseo-LIV3FL
2024-01-25 8:04 AM
DR is a must in our project. So I guess GGA messages cannot be sent out at 1Hz rate. Is that correct?
2024-01-30 5:12 AM
> So I guess GGA messages cannot be sent out at 1Hz rate. Is that correct?
No it isn't.
GGA can run @ 1Hz.... but with this FIX-Rate you are not using the full potentialities the module has.
2025-02-21 12:16 AM
I also have some problem with DR mode.
I can't recieve any $PSTMDR2 or $PSTMDRCAL messages, so the status of DR remains unknown.
But I checked the CDB 228-230 with $PSTMGETPAR, the following are the response.
In CDB 229, bit 60-63 is 6, meaning that the $PSTMDR and $PSTMDRCONFID are enabled, but I can only see $PSTMDRCONFID. There are no $PSTMDR message there. Are there any problem with my configurations?
Also, I had enabled these messages in CDB 229, meaning that these message should be update in 10 Hz. But it still be updated in 1 Hz, as following.
Are there some configurations needs to be changed? Thank you.