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VIC3DA Dead reckoning not working

Associate II


I have some problem with DR mode.

I can't recieve any $PSTMDR2 or $PSTMDRCAL messages, so the status of DR remains unknown.

But I checked the CDB 228-230 with $PSTMGETPAR, the following are the response.




In CDB 229, bit 60-63 is 6, meaning that the $PSTMDR and $PSTMDRCONFID are enabled, but I can only see $PSTMDRCONFID. There are no $PSTMDR message there. Are there any problem with my configurations?

Also, I had enabled these messages in CDB 229, meaning that these message should be update in 10 Hz. But it still be updated in 1 Hz, as following.




Are there some configurations needs to be changed? Thank you.