STM32CubeMonitor (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM Studio Snapshot Acquisition Mode

All,I am trying to use the snapshot acquisition mode in STM Studio to observe variables at user-defined timings, but stuck at setting "the Address of snapshot trace header part."As indicated by the STM Studio manual, I have identified the address of ...

skyy by Associate
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Resolved! STM32CubeMonitor - validate SPI Rx buffer

I am receiving 32bit samples from an external ADC via SPI (DMA) on the STM32U5 (NUCLEO board) at a rate of 51200 samples/sec. Does the ST-Link v3e provide an interface that should allow me to reliably stream these to my PC for further anlayis/validat...

DGran.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! Help with Error "SWD protocol implementation error (fa)"

I am receiving this error consistently after leaving my STM32 idle for ~2s after running my program. This is well before the chip goes to sleep.I am able to immediately press start again after this error occurs and continue logging until the chip goe...

SAB by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32CubeMonitor: reading from a serial port

Hi,first I want to say that STM32CubeMonitor (I am running 1.1.0) is a really fantastic debug tool, and it was a really good idea from ST do use nodered for this.It makes many debug tasks A LOT easier than before and it is really a lot of fun to play...

papamidas by Associate II
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