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"thread was marked by moderator as needing a little more investigation, ..."

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

"... so a Support case was created in your name and will be handled off-line."


These posts appear from time to time; eg, just now:

by @Douglas MILLER 


May I ask what prompts this "needs a little more investigation" assessment ?


A finger in the wind?

Likely one of the moderators or lurkers flagging to other staff that something is in their domain of responsibility.

I'd personally prefer this all be a lot more transparent fashion. A lot of things just need clear / definitive answers.


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Community manager
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Hello @Andrew Neil , 

Thanks for raising this up.

The sentence "This forum thread was marked by the moderator as needing a little more investigation, so a Support case was created in your name and will be handled off-line.", means that the question was escalated to ST Online support and a support ticket was assigned (see our support offer: Support Home - STMicroelectronics).

This action is done only by community moderators in order to route the questions to OLS that fall in their area of responsibility. 

In situations, when details about the case resolution can be shared publicly, the agent comes to the original thread on community. However, sometimes business sensitive information is discussed in the ticket and so the public answer can not be provided. 

Let me know if that answers you question. 


In order to give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on 'Accept as Solution' on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.


It doesn't answer how a post is initially selected to receive this "special treatment" - which was my question.

I'm just being curious - I realise that this may be something you don't want to share, and/or something that isn't rigidly defined.


> It doesn't answer how a post is initially selected

That might be a sensitive business information... 😉