Feedback forum

This forum is to raise questions or provide feedback only linked to the community platform.

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Forum Posts

What is "Hidden" when displaying an image?

 It links to my images album (which, according to text in the avatar-setup page, is supposedly linked to from my profile; but I was not able to find that link). But why is it called "Hidden"?Also, quite a couple of images from that album are missing,...


Resolved! Access denied on non-sensitive content?

Hi, I'm researching how the STM32F407VGT6 SPI works, and I came across this access denied warning, but the original messages don't seem to have sensitive content, is there a problem on the Forum that causes this?

STM_Access Denied.png

Forum migration lost code formatting

I've noticed that for example in the inserted code is flowed instead of formatted as code. ST, can this please be fixed? @Legacy membe...

Not able to start a discussion - Marked as spam

Hi!I'm trying since saturday post a discussion on TouchGFX channels.All my attempts was marked as spam and not published. This is the message on the top of my blocked post: "Marked as spam. If you believe this is an error, submit an abuse report."The...

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uilter by Senior
  • 5 replies
  • 1 kudos

Problem browsing the forum through Firefox

Hello, I have a problem accessing the forum from Mozilla Firefox. The browser constantly refreshes pages cyclically. I tried different PCs from home and work. Firefox is version 114.0.2. 64bit, Windows 10. Browsing is OK when using Edge.

ONadr.1 by Senior III
  • 6 replies
  • 10 kudos

Resolved! Kudos button not showing once logged in

See ability to upvote until I log in, then disappears.Seems to impact my view on PC and Phone browsers. I can see people have clicked the Kudos button on my posts in the alerts, so working for some.For some reason, I can't bold the Subject/Title of t...