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How to modify the generated code from AI Developer Cloud?


I uploaded my ONNX model, and using the AI developer cloud, I downloaded the result as STM32CubeIDE Project. I successfully deployed it on the NUCLEO-F401RE board and I can see the analysis of the model on the terminal using Putty. 

Now, as the next step, I want to send a webcam image continuously from the laptop via the serial port to the board and read the output of the network. I use Python to preprocess the image and send it. My question is where should I modify the generated code to achieve my goal? Is there a template for this? I am using STM32CubeIDE 1.12.

ST Employee

When you are ready to deploy your application on the target, the best is to create or open then project in STM32CubeMX (you can download the full project from the dev cloud) and do all the requested modifications.

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