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QUAD SPI Communication between two STM32H7 boards

Associate II

Trying to transmit and receive data between two STM32H7 boards using QSPI.As we are new for using QSPI communication,we generated code using STM32CUBEMX and not able to transmit and receive the data.The screenshots for communication between two controllers (one as transmitter and other as receiver) are attached below for the same.Your immediate solution will help us to resolve the problem as early as possible.Please help us in solving the same


Really not sure how you're going to get this to work, I don't think there is a viable QSPI Slave mode. I could be wrong, but there's obviously the manual.

I suspect you'd need to use some FPGA/CPLD type implementation to create a dual-port memory of some type.

Might consider a dual-port or FIFO memory on the FSMC.

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