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The UART logs can't be shown on putty correctly

Associate II


I'm a newbie of ST chipset, and just got the STM3241G-EVAL board recently. When I'm trying the example code related to UART, "UART_Hypertermial_it", which can be downloaded with STM32CubeIDE, unfortunately the output from UART can't be shown correctly while the input from putty can be correctly detected by the interrupt, and the received data looks good. It's using USART3 as the UART port, and I checked everything in the code, like uart settings, clock settings, but no lucks.

To very the output is right, I shorted the PIN2 & 3 of DB9, then I can get exact data from output with the receiver of application. This proves the data output from board should be right.

Do you guys have any clue what else I should do to resolve this issue?

Any feedback will be appreciated.

