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exporting Keil debugger values from registers to PC without UART

Associate II


When debugging, I obviously use ST-Link and Keil displays register values for me

Can I export these values somehow without having to transmit them over UART?

I need these values for later graphing in python and UART would just take unnecessary scripting, is there any other way?



Not something I've tried to do with Keil.

What interfaces does your board support/provide?

For the F7, you could use the SWO pin to implement SWV (Serial Wire Viewer), I can cut-n-paste that from a window in Keil

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You can use SWO instead.

Still going to need the script to turn them into a plot.

STM32CubeMonitor can monitor and plot variables in real-time. Could try that.

"Live Expressions" in STM32CubeIDE will update expressions as they change.

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