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Request for interaction summary and search option in Designer


Whilst spending time trying to find some interactions in Designer, it would be useful to have a summary page (similar to Images and Texts pages) covering all the interactions in a project and have a search button, so I can find any element easily.

Chief III

I'll talk to the designer team to hear what they think 🙂


Thanks. Currently the only way I can see the big picture is to search through the .touchgfx project file for the interactions.

Chief III

Can you give me an example of what you'd search for? Would you be able to link interaction x to screen y just by the name alone?

Just InteractionName, then scrolling around the file to figure out the screen and widget it's on and the action for the new screen. It would be handy to see this in a table with the details of the interaction and the affected widget. For instance, we found some cover transitions set by mistake when testing and that would stand out easily in a table. Most were still called Interaction1, so it took a some digging.