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How to read conversion result from external ADC to stm32f777 microcontroller?


I want to use ADS112U04 to read temperature (by enabling temperature sensor mode) and send this result to STM32F777VI via UART interface. How can I achieve this? I'm new to STM32. I have seen an example which does same with MSP430 microcontrollers, but I don't see such example with STM32f7 which reads external ADC. I have generated code from STM32CubeMX . How to initialize this adc, how to put or get any data to/from UART? Is it good to use HAL_UART_Trasnmit/HAL_UART_Receive for communication.?

I have started writing program to read ADC and it looks like:

static void ads112_write_reg(char reg, char data){

     uart5_putc(SYNC); // send sync via uart




 static char ads112_read_reg(char reg){




     return uart5_getc();


Now, I'm not sure what to write inside APIs name starting with uart5_ . Any suggestion would be great.




>>Is it good to use HAL_UART_Transmit/HAL_UART_Receive for communication?

They are good for half-duplex, blocking functionality


uint8_t data[] = { SYNC, CMD_RREG|(reg<<1) };

uint8_t response[1];

HAL_UART_Transmit(&uart5instance, data, sizeof(data), 100);

HAL_UART_Receive(&uart5instance, response, sizeof(response), 500);


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