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About STM32CubeIDE debug: Open OCD and STLink GDB

Senior II

I can load my code and debug (on a Nucleo-H743) from STM32CubeIDE using OpenOCD GDB server but not with STLink GDB server.

It's not really a problem in itself but I want to understand why.

In both case I setup the autostart of a local GDB server. In STLink GDB server config I setup the SWD interface.

I have to mention that my machine is on a corporate intranet with a lot of IT restrictions, however since it is working fine (both loading and debug) with OpenOCD I guess it's not the root cause ?

Also I don't really understand the difference between both GDB servers/debug configs. Could you give me details or point me to the right documentation ?

Thank you


I would like to resurrect this thread - for the case when the STM32CubeIDE will not create the Debug Configuration;


In such cases, it seems that you'd have to set up your own 'GDB Hardware Debugging' configuration - using openOCD, etc


It seems that ST have created their own, modified OpenOCD: - so the question becomes, how to use that "manually" ?

So far, I have defined a 'GDB Hardware Debugging' Configuration:

0693W000007EjfjQAC.png0693W000007EjghQAC.png0693W000007EjhzQAC.png0693W000007EjiTQAS.png0693W000007EjixQAC.pngYou need to manually start the GDB Server before launching the Debug:


The 'config.txt' needs to be edited to specify the path to the STM32_Programmer_CLI executable - see comments in the file

then run the .bat file

When I start a debug session, I see:

0693W000007EjqNQAS.png'Resume' goes to:

0693W000007EjrLQAS.pngand there it seems to be stuck.
