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Download firmware to STM32F4 in PCB assembly line


This week I am about to start production of my embedded product using STM32F411. I need a simple way to drag n drop firmware.ELF into a batch or exe that downloads and verifies. I am digging into the STM32CubeProgrammer documentation, but I have not found yet somethign out of the box. Please advice.


They provide a command line interface, perhaps you can use that. As I recall the command line version will output help/syntax pages.

Presume you're using an ST-LINK, but could also use USART via System Loader ROM

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Jack Peacock_2
Senior III

There are several approaches to loading firmware on a production line.

  1. Program STM32 ICs before PCB assembly. This is ideal for volume production. There are several JTAG type bulk programmers which can unreel and re-reel ICs for the pick and place machine. Most programmers will also insert serial numbers if you don't use the STM32 ID.
  2. Install firmware through JTAG or serial boot at Final Assembly Test. Set up the ATE tester to verify the JTAG connection, run whatever boundary scans needed, and then program the flash with your code. The ATE can be programmed to insert a serial number and whatever calibration data may be needed after board level function testing.
  3. Manually program PCBA after assembly, before FAT. This is the slowest but cheapest in terms of equipment. Not economical in volume but for low run rates just connect a JTAG and power the board. Course you're running on an untested PCBA and no automation.
  4. Some distributors will ship you pre-programmed STM32s if the volume justifies it. You have to provide them with "golden" units, and you no longer have secure control over the firmware image. This is a major concern in some parts of the world.

Jack Peacock