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Problem with PIL Session in STM32 Demo: IIR_Filter PIL Int 32

Associate II
Posted on May 28, 2015 at 14:27

Hi all,

I am having some problems making the PIL work in the STMF32F334 Discovery board. I was able to generate the code using the autocode generation from Matlab and have the code loaded in the device to do PIL. However, I am getting an error as below. I have checked my communication hardware separately and have seen that transmission of data is successful ( I used a hyperterminal to test transmission of data from my USB to RS-232).

Can you please share any ideas on how to solve this one? Thanks in advance.


#stm32f4 #discovery #stm32-mat/target-matlab-stm32f4 #pil
Posted on December 04, 2015 at 15:26

I do have the same problem with PIL. I am using a STM32F429I-Discovery board, my software stack is STM32CubeMX, Keil uVision, MATLAB R2015a on Windows 10.

I have checked the serial communication with Termite and Keil uVision. Communication works separately, so everything is connected properly.

I found a test-function in MATLAB, ''rtiostreamtest''. And tried to execute it, but it runs into a timeout as well. The microcontroller is programmed with generated Code from Simulink PIL.

>> rtiostreamtest('serial', 'COM5', 115200)

### Test suite for rtiostream ###

Initializing connection with target...

Error using coder.rtiostreamtest.ServerConnection (line 243)

MATLAB cannot fully initialize the connection with the target.

1. Check that the target is powered on, the rtiostreamtest application is

running, and there is a physical connection between the target and the host


2. Check the configuration of connection properties in MATLAB and on the target

(for example, port, bit rate, and so on.)

3. Check for errors in the rtIOStreamSend implementation.

4. Check for errors in the rtIOStreamRecv implementation. Implement

rtIOStreamRecv so that it returns immediately when there is no data to receive.

Error in rtiostreamtest>initialize_connection (line 67)

connection = coder.rtiostreamtest.ServerConnection(library, parameters,


Error in rtiostreamtest (line 43)

server = initialize_connection(properties, verbose);

Caused by:

Error using coder.rtiostreamtest.ServerConnection (line 193)

Timed out trying to receive data from the target.

By the way, can you crop your attached image?