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Hi,can someone help me ? I do not know how to use "HAL_TIM_RegisterCallback" function.My unsuccessful trial is in attachments. Can someone correct it ?  + to attach the corrected version ?I tried this example:
Hi boys and girls from ST company - capitalistic USA country, I installed your new CubeIDE 1.17 today and I ascertained that:1/ If I open a project everything is closed - no window is visible. If I try to close the project, the project is NOT closed ...
Hi,I have a big problem. I can not log-in to ARM.COM web site. I am receiving this suspicious message:"Your account registration has been received and is currently being processed."Where is problem ???? Can someone help me ?see image below: 
Hi,Can someone explain me why I have to use "+1" in vector table of STM32F103C8T6: vectors: .word STACKINIT @ stack pointer .word _start + 1 @ reset vector .word _nmi_handler + 1 @ .word _hard_fault +...
Hi boys and girls from ST,I am testing your CubeIDE and it it catastrophe.1/ I tried to open a new project in CubeID and I ascertained that I can not add assembly file (s). How I can create project with only one file - in assembly. :)2/ I tried to cl...
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