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Code 16 and Code 32 on STM32F103C8T6

Associate III


Can someone explain me why I have to use "+1" in vector table of STM32F103C8T6: 

        .word STACKINIT         @ stack pointer
        .word _start + 1        @ reset vector 
        .word _nmi_handler + 1  @
        .word _hard_fault  + 1  @
        .word _memory_fault + 1 @
        .word _bus_fault + 1    @
        .word _usage_fault + 1  @

 instead of:  

        .word STACKINIT      @ stack pointer 
        .word _start         @ reset vector 
        .word _nmi_handler   @
        .word _hard_fault    @
        .word _memory_fault  @
        .word _bus_fault     @
        .word _usage_fault   @

I thought that STM32F103C8T6 is 32bit processor and thus I can use:

        .code 32              
        .cpu cortex-m3
        .syntax unified

But it is NOT true. I can use only THUMB (code 16) instructions.



Accepted Solutions

I finally found interesting solution - see below, it is possible to fix the reset handler address as e.g. 0x301 and reset handler place to .org 0x300 :)  cute solution


@@@ Vectors
        .word STACKINIT          @ stack pointer value when stack is empty
        .word 0x301 @Reset_Handler      @ reset vector (manually adjust to odd for thumb)
        .word _nmi_handler       @
        .word _hard_fault        @
        .word _memory_fault      @
        .word _bus_fault         @
        .word _usage_fault       @

        .org 0x300
        ldr   sp, =STACKINIT 


View solution in original post


The registers and operations are 32-bit, but the Cortex-Mx only supports Thumb(2) which consists of 16-bit opcodes

  .syntax unified
  .cpu cortex-m3
  .fpu softvfp
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Principal III

yes, 32-bit ALU, registers, data buses and addressing. 16-bit "compressed" thumb instructions give higher code density, less memory access for a subset of commonly used instructions. 




ok, so may I use:

  .syntax unified
  .cpu cortex-m3
  .code 16
  .aligh 2

and omit the "+1" in my vector table ?

Shouldn't be necessary if the assembler is in the right mode

Perhaps look at examples in the repo


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If I omit the "+1" the processor is not runnig:

@@@ Directives
        .code 16                  @ (same as saying '.code 16')
        .cpu cortex-m3
        .syntax unified
        .fpu softvfp
        .weak _start 

@@@ Equates
        .equ GPIOB_CRH,   0x40010C04
        .equ GPIOB_ODR,   0x40010C0C
        .equ RCC_APB2ENR, 0x40021018
        .equ STACKINIT,   0x20005000

        .equ LEDDELAY,    0x80000

.section .text
        .org 0

@@@ Vectors
        .word STACKINIT         @ stack pointer value when stack is empty
        .word _start         @ reset vector (manually adjust to odd for thumb)
        .word _nmi_handler   @
        .word _hard_fault    @
        .word _memory_fault  @
        .word _bus_fault     @
        .word _usage_fault   @

However I found in:\STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.6.0\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F1xx\Source\Templates\gcc\startup_stm32f103xb.s

that there are no "+1" for vector table. It is suspicious.


  .word _estack
  .word Reset_Handler
  .word NMI_Handler
  .word HardFault_Handler
  .word MemManage_Handler
  .word BusFault_Handler
  .word UsageFault_Handler
  .word 0
  .word 0
  .word 0
  .word 0
  .word SVC_Handler
  .word DebugMon_Handler
  .word 0



armclang assebmler does not need the "+1" for reset_vector see below, so where is the "odd" element in


??? in gnu linker setting ???




stackStartAddress  EQU 0x20000100
      AREA mySection1, DATA, READONLY
      DCD stackStartAddress
      DCD myResetHandler
      AREA mySection2, CODE, READONLY
      IMPORT myApplication
      B myApplication


      EXPORT myApplication
RCC        EQU 0x40021000
Port_C     EQU 0x40010C00
      AREA mySection3, CODE, READONLY
      ; enable the APB2 clock
      MOV r0, #0x08
      LDR r1, =RCC
      STR r0, [r1, #0x18]

      ; configure the GPIO C for output

      MOV r0, #0x20000000
      LDR r1, =Port_C
      STR r0, [r1, #0x04]

      ; set the builtin LED on/off
      MOV r0, #0x0000 ; #0x8000
      STR r0, [r1, #0x0C]

      B .



First.sct – script for linker

LR_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00010000  {    ; load region size_region
  ER_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00010000  {  ; load address = execution address
   file1.o (mySection1, +First)
   file1.o (mySection2)
   file2.o (mySection3)
   ; .ANY (+RO)
  RW_IRAM1 0x20000000 0x00005000  {  ; RW data
   .ANY (+RW +ZI)

where is 


Generally you don't need to use these "+1"s if the assembler correctly recognizes the symbol as Thumb code label, which is quite easy to achieve - look at the default startupxxxx.s files supplied with STM32Cube or Keil MDK-ARM and check the "thumb" directives.

Of course every Cortex-M is a 32/bit processor but in Thumb instruction set some instructions are encoded as 16-bits and the others, more complex or less frequently used, as 32-bits.

My STM32 stuff on github - compact USB device stack and more:

>> ??? in gnu linker setting ???

No, in the symbolic assignment of addresses in the assembler and compiler

Reset_Handler, etc should be ODD

The stack pointer should be 32-bit aligned.


    .section  .text.Reset_Handler
  .weak  Reset_Handler
  .type  Reset_Handler, %function /* this should be ODD in thumb/16-bit mode */
  ldr   sp, =_estack      /* set stack pointer */


  .size  Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler


The MCU will Hard Fault if you try to execute 32-bit / EVEN addressed code

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I have correctly directed thumb instructions by:


  .syntax unified
  .cpu cortex-m3
  .fpu softvfp

in my code, but I have to use the "+1" still. If I omit it the processor does not run. My complette code is:

but I still do not see the "problem" :( I am SAD

@  arm-none-eabi-as -mcpu=cortex-m3 LED.s -o LED.o
@  arm-none-eabi-ld -v -T stm32.ld -o LED.elf LED.o 
@  arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary LED.elf LED.bin

@@@ Directives
        .code 16                  @ (same as saying '.code 16')
        .cpu cortex-m3
        .syntax unified
        .fpu softvfp
        .section .text._start 

@@@ Equates
        .equ GPIOB_CRH,   0x40010C04
        .equ GPIOB_ODR,   0x40010C0C
        .equ RCC_APB2ENR, 0x40021018
        .equ STACKINIT,   0x20005000

        .equ LEDDELAY,    0x80000

.section .text
        .org 0

@@@ Vectors
        .word STACKINIT          @ stack pointer value when stack is empty
        .word _start         + 1 @ reset vector (manually adjust to odd for thumb)
        .word _nmi_handler   + 1 @
        .word _hard_fault    + 1 @
        .word _memory_fault  + 1 @
        .word _bus_fault     + 1 @
        .word _usage_fault   + 1 @

        @@ Enable the Port B peripheral clock by setting bit 4
        ldr r6, = RCC_APB2ENR
        mov r0, 0x08
        str r0, [r6]

        @@ Set the config and mode bits for Port B bit 31,30 to 0x00
        @@ and bits 29,28 to 0x10 to be a push-pull output (up to 20 MHz) 
        @@ to '0010'.

        ldr r6, = GPIOB_CRH
        mov r0, 0x20000000
        str r0, [r6]

        @@ Load R2 and R3 with the "on" and "off" constants, 0 is on, 1 is off
        mov r2, 0x0000         @ value to turn on LED
        mov r3, 0x8000         @ value to turn off LED

        ldr r6, = GPIOB_ODR    @  point to Port B output data register

        str r2, [r6]           @ clear Port B, pin 15, turning on LED
        ldr r1, = LEDDELAY
        subs r1, 0x01
        bne delay1

        str r3, [r6]           @ set Port b, pin 15, turning off LED
        ldr r1, = LEDDELAY
        subs r1, 0x01
        bne delay2

        b loop                 @ continue forever

_dummy:                        @ if any int gets triggered, just hang in a loop
        add r0, 1
        add r1, 1
        b _dummy


/* Simple linker script for the STM32 ARM Cortex M3.  Link the text
   of the program into on-board flash and use on-board RAM for data and stack.

        /* interrupt vectors start at zero */
        . = 0x08000000;  /* start of flash */

        .text :  {  *(.text)   }

        /* constant data follows code but still in flash */
        .data :

        /* internal RAM starts at 0x20000000 */
        . = 0x20000000;
        .ram : { *(.ram) }

        .bss :