Hello @manhoosbilli1 ,Although there may not be an available example that combines DMA and DAC, you can create one by merging distinct examples. For this process, I highly recommend using STM32CubeMX as it helps you to configure peripherals and gener...
Hello @gkowshik ,I have checked with the FSMC_SRAM_DataMemory example and can confirm that a hard fault occurs during the execution of the SystemInit function.An internal ticket 192898 has been submitted for a detailed investigation. Please note that...
Hello @gkowshik ,Could you please provide your source code file or direct me to the example you are currently working on in order to investigate the issue on my side ? With regards,
Hello @manhoosbilli1 ,Could you please check DAC_SignalsGeneration example available in our firmware package? You can find it under this path:STM32CubeF3/Projects/STM32F303RE-Nucleo/Examples/DAC/DAC_SignalsGeneration at master · STMicroelectronics/ST...