User Activity

Hi,where do I find the full HAL API documentation? Is there a wiki? And also is there a way to pull it up in CubeIDE (I'm not referring to the autocomplete)? Also is there a repository with all examples organised by topic, for example PWM, I2C etc.? ...
Hi,I am using a STM32L452RET6 and need to change the PWM frequency (and later the duty cycle) of Timer1 Channel 1 multiple times and on the fly. I tried using the following code but does not change the frequency:htim1.Init.Period = 20000;HAL_TIM_PWM_...
Hi,when you have multiple projects loaded in the IDE (pane on the left hand side) and also multiple files opened (each from different projects) how do you know which one belongs to which project? AND... how can you tell which project is the active on...
Hi,when it comes to programming and debugging, what is the difference between the 4 types (see screenshot below)?Which one is best and how do you decide which one to use?Please don't just say they all work the same pick one...  I am asking for the p...
Hi,I have a custom master PCB connected to a few slave custom PCBs via serial. In some systems they are connected via I2C and in other systems they are connected via RS232.They all run STM32 micros.I am looking for two out-of-the-box protocols with s...