Interesting experiment. I am new to these sensors but that should indeed be mostly an offset error.Looking at your diagram that would be around 1.2inch ~= 30mm over the 50°C change giving around 0.6mm per °C.Didn't see any value specified for the VL5...
It was really getting ridiculous of much much code ST was duplicating and copying around for HALs and samples.So I really like the direction this is going with using something like sub-modules and providing everything in an easily accessible way such...
I found that in the meantime the STM32MP25x line of the STM32MP2 Series is already listed on the website (mostly) like all the other STM32 products. The STM32MP25xx Reference Manual and the Datasheets(crypto, non-crypto) are available as well.
That would indeed be a very helpful feature, especially for people not yet familiar with device tree.As far as I know it's already possible to generate Device tree files for STM32MP1 for quite a while, so maybe you could even built upon that.Also, a ...