Hi @GustavoGalan , You can refer to this application Ux_Device_CDC_ACM_Standalonehttps://github.com/STMicroelectronics/x-cube-azrtos-h7/tree/dev/usbx/Projects/NUCLEO-H723ZG/Applications/USBX/Ux_Device_CDC_ACM_Standalone
Hi @matt-crc with the last version of x-cube-azrtos-h7 the dual instance host/device is not supported.please see this thread:https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-embedded-software/how-to-use-usbx-on-h7-for-simultaneous-host-and-device/m-p/669431#M4...
Hi @ABasi.2 in stm32h5 the max endpoint is 8 In your project you are using ep 0 for controll (mondatory)ep 1 for hid class ep 1 for storage in ep 2 for storage outep 3 for cdc acm ctl ep 4 for cdc acm in ep 5 for cdc acm out if you define this endpoi...
I think that you need to remove the ux_app_MsgQueueand flow this example:https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/x-cube-azrtos-h7/blob/3e4c2f475bd18eaaec0c74b2719c9e9e19f7d66e/Projects/NUCLEO-H723ZG/Applications/USBX/Ux_Device_HID/USBX/App/app_usbx_dev...