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Hi, 1. How to implement WLC-P for ST25R3916B?2. Can recommend documentation based on WLC for NFC?Best, Dalik Lim
Hi,My application used ST25R3916B for transmit power for the card only.1. Is it possible to leave the EXT_LM pin unused or exclude external load modulation from my application?2. Can I use the testing point only on the pin EXT_LM pin?Best,Dalik LIM 
Hi,1. Why some configurations of STM32G0B1CCT6 don't use an external clock for HSE?2. STM32G0b1 can support USB C PD protocol?best, Dalik LIM
Hi,1. In DS13560 selection 4 page 42, what is different between the GP and N versions?Best, Dalik LIM
Hi, In AN4974 (antenna matching network for ST29R391x device), In chapter 6.2.1 in Simulation S-parameter and Transition model, what is the tool used for simulation in this case?Best,Dalik