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Hello everyone,In my project on STM32 Nucleo-64 with STM32F401RE MCU, I use a timer (TIM11) at 32 Hz in interrupt mode to get some data from sensors.  Can I use the RTC (Real-Time Clock) instead of TIM11 to get these data at the same frequency?If yes...
Hello everyone,I need to get some information about the power consumption of the STM32 Nucleo-64 with STM32F401RE MCU.The board is powered from the computer's USB port.The board has a IDD jumper (JP6) for MCU current measurement so I attached a Parks...
Hello everyone,I need to get some information about the power consumption of the STM32 Nucleo-64 with STM32F401RE MCU.The board is powered from the computer's USB port.I created a project in which the main while loop is empty, all peripherals are dis...
Hello everyone, I have a pytorch model (mymodel.pth) obtained by running the mixed-precision quantization of this algorithm: * I followed the instructions in the readme section.Python models are not natively supporte...
Hello everyone,when I try to analyze my model (mynetwork.onnx) clicking on Analyze in the target selection window an error message occurs without any details. After the selection of the target in the configuration area, if I analyze the same model I ...