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I've been able to get the higher frequency to output on the tamper pin but not the seconds pulse.I tried updating the time registers in the main code but that didn't help.There is a document I've glanced through but didn't see any code lines to imple...
What is the highest value series resistor which can be put into the ICSP Vapp pin a design?It being connected to VDD and presenting a risk of harm if connected wrongly. I can spend time testing this but would prefer to know if this has a definite val...
It has worked at times but at others is becoming all 0xFFFF or whatever values become written into unused areas.Currently it loses memory every time.My code reads a block of settings and looks at one location to check if it's zero, which indicates no...
What code works for the STM32L412 device?I want to load an RTC calibration value into flash memory and retrieve it on subsequent running of the firmware. I've got the reading of specific calibration values working in a different IC, for ADC calibrati...
Will the TouchGFX and STM Cube IDE let me work with SSD1306 devices? If so how much memory space will I need per image and overall space to run it? The images will be 128x64 pixels. Which range of ST microcontrollers can be used for this? The labels ...
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