2024-04-15 5:40 AM
What code works for the STM32L412 device?
I want to load an RTC calibration value into flash memory and retrieve it on subsequent running of the firmware.
I've got the reading of specific calibration values working in a different IC, for ADC calibration,
ICTempCal1 = (*((volatile uint16_t*)(0x1FF8007A)));
Will this work with the L412 IC?
But I cannot get programming of a page to work.
I tried 'HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD, 0x080E0000,1000);'
But that fails within the routine. I'm assuming the Erase routine worked, but I haven't got far enough to check.
I tried the 'STM32CubeL4/Projects/NUCLEO-L4P5ZG/Examples/FLASH
/FLASH_FastProgram' code and found it to fail in the last section, the GetBank routine.
Different IC also.
Can anyone give me the code for these operations?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-04-30 7:38 AM
I can get the code to build in 'STM32CubeL4/Projects/NUCLEO-L412KB/Examples/FLASH/FLASH_EraseProgram'
I'll update after working through that
2024-04-22 4:07 AM
Hello @CGadg
By making a few changes to the project:
I modified the address of FLASH_USER_START_ADDR start and FLASH_USER_END_ADDR ADDR to fit with address you mentioned 0x080E0000, and I modified the bank which is located in the memory zone you have selected:
/* The desired pages are not write protected */
/* Fill EraseInit structure************************************************/
EraseInitStruct.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_PAGES;
EraseInitStruct.Banks = FLASH_BANK_2;
EraseInitStruct.Page = StartPage;
EraseInitStruct.NbPages = EndPage - StartPage + 1;
#define FLASH_USER_START_ADDR ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_224 /* Start @ of user Flash area */
#define FLASH_USER_END_ADDR ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_228 /* End @ of user Flash area */
For the example you mentioned
I make the changes that you are asking to make in the code and the example works and the routine is done:
#define FLASH_USER_START_ADDR ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_224 /* Start @ of user Flash area */
#define FLASH_USER_END_ADDR ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_228 /* End @ of user Flash area */
#define DATA_32 ((uint32_t)0x12345678)
typedef enum {FAILED = 0, PASSED = !FAILED} TestStatus;
while (Address < (FLASH_USER_END_ADDR - (FLASH_ROW_SIZE*sizeof(uint64_t))))
Address = Address +0x8U ; //+ (FLASH_ROW_SIZE*sizeof(uint64_t));
/* Error occurred while writing data in Flash memory.
User can add here some code to deal with this error */
while (1)
if (HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD, Address, (uint64_t)src_addr) != HAL_OK)
/* Error occurred while writing data in Flash memory.
User can add here some code to deal with this error */
while (1)
/* Lock the Flash to disable the flash control register access (recommended
to protect the FLASH memory against possible unwanted operation) *********/
/* Check if the programmed data is OK
MemoryProgramStatus = 0: data programmed correctly
MemoryProgramStatus != 0: number of words not programmed correctly ******/
MemoryProgramStatus = 0x0;
while (Address < FLASH_USER_END_ADDR)
for (data_index = 0; data_index < FLASH_ROW_SIZE; data_index++)
data64 = *(__IO uint64_t *)Address;
if(data64 != Data64_To_Prog[data_index])
Address = Address + sizeof(uint64_t);
/* Check the correctness of written data */
while (Address < FLASH_USER_END_ADDR)
if((*(__IO uint32_t*) Address) != DATA_32)
MemoryProgramStatus = FAILED;
Address += 4;
2024-04-22 4:46 AM
Thanks nouirakh,
I'll work through this and see if I can get it working
2024-04-22 5:09 AM
I immediately get errors for 'ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_224', so I think your code works on a different IC.
Other errors because the variables need defining, and stm32 Cube IDE doesn't like 'if(data64 != Data64_To_Prog[data_index])' at all
2024-04-22 7:41 AM - edited 2024-04-22 7:42 AM
I worked on these following examples:
For the 'ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_224' it is defined in the main.h
You can find in the attached files the main.c/.h
I double check this code it works for me using Cube IDE and EWARM , Maybe you can inspire from this example and make the necessary adaptation with your IC.
Could you verify it from your end and utilize the IC you mentioned?
2024-04-24 3:26 AM
Yes thanks,
I've just got one error left, the line
is not understood by Cube IDE.... "subscripted value is neither array nor pointer nor vector"
Total of 3 errors within that misunderstanding
2024-04-26 1:57 AM
It would be greatly appreciated if you could verify these definitions in your code in order to resolve this error?
In the example "Projects/NUCLEO-L4P5ZG/Examples/FLASH/FLASH_FastProgram", We have:
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define FLASH_ROW_SIZE 64
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
__IO uint64_t data64 = 0;
/* Table used for fast programming */
static const uint64_t Data64_To_Prog[FLASH_ROW_SIZE] = {
0x0000000000000000, 0x1111111111111111, 0x2222222222222222, 0x3333333333333333,
0x4444444444444444, 0x5555555555555555, 0x6666666666666666, 0x7777777777777777,
0x8888888888888888, 0x9999999999999999, 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, 0xBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB,
0x0011001100110011, 0x2233223322332233, 0x4455445544554455, 0x6677667766776677,
0x2200220022002200, 0x3311331133113311, 0x6644664466446644, 0x7755775577557755,
* @brief Main program
* @param None
* @retval None
int main(void)
uint32_t src_addr = (uint32_t)Data64_To_Prog;
uint8_t data_index = 0;
2024-04-26 2:00 AM
Thanks Kholdoun,
I'll probably need to go through it again on Monday though,
2024-04-26 3:35 AM
I've imported it into a fresh project and there is a mismatch in definitions for 'SYSCFG_MEMRMP_FB_MODE', the compiler asks if I mean '...MEM MODE'. I guess so but I don't want to guess.
It also needs FLASH_BANK_2 defining, though I can't see where that is.
2024-04-30 7:38 AM
I can get the code to build in 'STM32CubeL4/Projects/NUCLEO-L412KB/Examples/FLASH/FLASH_EraseProgram'
I'll update after working through that