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hello, I can not find any good doc for packcreator. I would like to add a folder to my pack, it should be add on the root of my project. it is a tools for win, (exe, py, ...). I have added to others file and as a component. but after generating the p...
Hello, I have created an encrypted file by openssl-aes256-CFB. in openssl IV length should be 128 bit but in X-CUBE-CRYPTOLIB it is not possible,  it cannot set to 128 bit, (HARDFAULT). only i can set 256bit and then received error 0x10003
In version STM32U5 1.5.0 ,  HAL_PWREx_EnableVddA() does not exist in stm32u5xx_hal_mps.cbut it was on 1.4.0 
Hello. I would like to write my own bootloader, but jump function does not work. could you send a complete example for stm32U575. 
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