2024-10-09 12:15 AM
hello, I can not find any good doc for packcreator. I would like to add a folder to my pack, it should be add on the root of my project. it is a tools for win, (exe, py, ...).
I have added to others file and as a component. but after generating the project, it is not exist in my project.
and how to use custom LinkerScript, I mean copy my file to original one after generating project.
2024-10-10 2:18 AM
Hello @nima.askari ,
First let me thank you for posting.
I suggest that you take a look at this Document.
It describes what a software pack is, how to create a software pack from scratch using STM32PackCreator and
how to verify the generated pack using STM32CubeMX.
It also provides the list of reference material and specifications that are useful when considering the creation of an STM32Cube Expansion Package.