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Hello, I tried to use the go Command at the beginning of flash (0x08000000), the bootloader sent me back an ACK. But i've got 2 problems. First, if i don't change back my boot pins, i will be in System Memory Mode, why ? Am I reading boot pins at the...
Hello, I used BOOT0 and BOOT1 to reboot in System Memory in order to use the embedded bootloader. I wanted to use the Get Version Command (i saw it in AN3155). I first sent 0x7F to initialize the communication with the bootloader.Then, i sent 0x01 an...
Hello, I'm currently using stm32F410, i want to get to the system memory in order to use bootloader in UART and upgrade my firmware. I saw on datasheet that i need to pilot pin BOOT1. The problem is that on the graphical interface of STM32CubeIDE or ...