Hi,At first, see my discussion below this post: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus/how-to-use-the-lwip-ethernet-middleware-on-the-stm32h5-series/ta-p/691100This all is by heart. If I remember correctly, you're using I2C so you're not able to use ...
Hi,@Peter3718My HW connection is good so RMII is always connected to the controller, I always let it return the 100MBITS FULLDUPLEX status. If I need more I port it to I2C.@RomThiTrue, but I need I2C to setup Clock Mode 5 (enable bit 198[3]) and need...
Hi,@RomThi, again thank you for responding.I dove into the LAN8742.c file a few hours ago, and noticed (as you where saying) its a simple interface. I just did the setup of the KSZ8863 trough I2C and commented most part of the LAN8742_Init MIIM (MDC/...
Hi,Thank you @RomThi for your response.I'm having access to all the registers trough I2C, I need to configure register 198[3] to set the correct clock mode [5] of the KSZ8863. Switch functionality works. But now I'm facing the challenge on how to cha...