2023-09-10 3:26 AM
I have been trying to display continuous data on Scroll wheel container for the past 2 months but have been very unsuccessful. Could someone help or tell me if it's even possible to do that?? The example in the documentation does not help in that regard.
I would like to display a counter that goes from 0 to 255 on a scroll wheel but what I get is the exact same value on each row of the scroll updating in real time. What I want is each counter value displayed on each row, e.g
This is my customContainer setup:
void CustomContainer2::RX_UART(char* data)
sprintf(USART_Array, "%d", data);
Unicode::strncpy(TX_BufferAreaBuffer, USART_Array, TX_BUFFERAREA_SIZE);
This is displayed via the View:
void Screen2View::scrollWheel2UpdateItem(CustomContainer2& item, int16_t itemIndex)
item.RX_UART((char*)CounterTimer); //I feel itemIndex should be somehow added to this line here but I don't know how to do that codewise...Please help!!
int indexOfitemAtTopOfTheList = scrollWheel2.getSelectedItem();
scrollWheel2.animateToItem(indexOfitemAtTopOfTheList + 1);
In the main:
volatile uint8_t CounterTimer = 0;
void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)
if(htim->Instance == TIM2)
CounterTimer++; //Incremented every 1 second
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-09-10 4:03 PM
Hello @Krautermann ,
I created a small example you can get inspiration from. I started from the "Scroll Wheel and List example" from TouchGFX Designer and I removed the "List" part. Then I added a handleTickEvent for the counter and made the wheel animate each 60 ticks. You'll find my project in attachment.
Hope it helps ;)
2023-09-10 4:03 PM
Hello @Krautermann ,
I created a small example you can get inspiration from. I started from the "Scroll Wheel and List example" from TouchGFX Designer and I removed the "List" part. Then I added a handleTickEvent for the counter and made the wheel animate each 60 ticks. You'll find my project in attachment.
Hope it helps ;)
2023-09-19 5:37 AM
Solution provided accepted after several days of testing.
Although user needs to modify it according to his application. Here is my modified code if anyone is interested:
void Screen2View::handleTickEvent()
snprintf(ActualBuffer, sizeof(ActualBuffer), "%s", (char*)currentBuffer);
if (strcmp(ActualBuffer, PreviousBuffer)!=0)
snprintf(temporaryBuffer, sizeof(temporaryBuffer), "%s", (char*)currentBuffer);
flag2Scroll1 = 1;
snprintf(PreviousBuffer, sizeof(PreviousBuffer), "%s", ActualBuffer);
int currentCounterTimer = CounterTimer;
if (currentCounterTimer != previousCounterTimer)
flag2Scroll2 = 1;
previousCounterTimer = currentCounterTimer;
void Screen2View::scrollWheel1UpdateItem(CustomContainer1& item, int16_t itemIndex)
flag2Scroll1 = 0;
void Screen2View::scrollWheel2UpdateItem(CustomContainer2& item, int16_t itemIndex)
flag2Scroll2 = 0;