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hello it's me againI am a beginner and I have a question about the RTC, what is it ? it is an alarm something on the stm32? thank you.
I have octospi hyperram memory to use on stm32h7b0 with nor flash I usually use stm32cubemx because it make the life easier but it's my first time configuring memories with it..can anyone help me with that ?
I have 2 memories with not the same type the first is hyperram and the second is nor flash and it is mandatory for my project to use both of them.i am not sure how to do so or if is it possible to use one on the st board and link the other one separa...
I am using stm32l4r board to run some tests and i am generating my code with stm32cubemx, I am having an issue with the octospi parameters after investing with my colleagues and checking the documents we discovered it is a problem related to the dela...
hello everyoneI am a new researcher in the field and I need to develop a project with arm libraries to have some fft résultas I can find the library but i dont know how to make the project run, is there anyone who can help me?