User Activity

Today, my command expansion for both STM32VSCodeExtension.trustZoneNonSecureTarget and STM32VSCodeExtension.trustZoneSecureTarget stopped working in tasks.json and launch.json.  I get an error that STM32VSCodeExtension.trustZoneNonSecureTarget is not...
I have a few errors with the generated output of the mx-generated.cmake files on TrustZone projects using the CMake toolchain.First off, STM32CubeMx puts the startup assembly file into the `Secure/startup` and `NonSecure/startup` folders.  The mx-gen...
I'm creating a TouchGFX project on custom hardware and I'm a little confused about where to set the button controller for physical buttons.  As far as I can tell from the documentation, the custom button controller needs to be initialized in TouchGFX...
Feature request: For Makefile projects in STM32CubeMx, the beginning of the file starts with:########################################################################################################################### File automatically-generated by t...
I have a Makefile project for an STM32L4 using FreeRTOS that I started with STM32CubeMx. I'm trying to enable one of the Thread-Safe strategies for FreeRTOS. I have tried both strategy #4 and #5, but both of them jump to the error handler on the `S...
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