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Hi - can anyone tell me how to insert a CORS header into LWIP?(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) header directly into the httpd.c? file of LwIP)i.e.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *I am using vscode to debug an index.shtml file file, but i need to get resp...
Hi, Could anyone help with this problem? Its driving me mad!!! I have designed an ethernet interface  for an F746-100 MCU I have changed pins to avoid using Port G and I have used the  circuit below. The RJ45 connector is a standard RB1-125BAG1A and ...
I cannot update my .ioc !Why has this message suddenly appeared?What software package????I've been using Cubeide for years.I have tried logging in etc. etc. as per all the forum posts.I get an OK when I use 'check connection'What is happening to ST?C...
Hi. There are very few topics regarding LWIP MCU which have any actual demonstration of implementing AJAX with LWIP. I am obviously not clever enough to do this from scratch, but why cant someone at least post some working code to show me how - or at...
Hi,Can anyone direct me to an example project or code that shows how I can use an AJAX call to access information from an STM32H743 (or similar) web server?I have SSI and CGI running with LWIP but I would like to update the browser without refreshin...