2022-04-28 4:02 AM
There are very few topics regarding LWIP MCU which have any actual demonstration of implementing AJAX with LWIP. I am obviously not clever enough to do this from scratch, but why cant someone at least post some working code to show me how - or at least provide some useful pointers in the right direction? We all benefit from other people's work in some way or another.
Thanks Chris
2022-05-01 5:34 PM
2022-05-02 4:19 AM
I have tried to get this working, but unfortunately I failed.
I re-iterate: 'why cant someone at least post some working code to show me'
I am trying to learn!
2022-05-03 4:12 PM
Well, I partly agree to you, but then again - everyone is just waiting for someone else to do things, so that they can copy-paste and not invest their own RnD effort in it.
Take a look at the official example:
To generate a response data dynamically, you will also need custom "files":
And, to understand the AJAX basics, look at the relevant parts of this series of articles: