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Hi, I am working on STM32WB55RG MCU and I wanted to enable one pin for Wakeup from Shutdown mode. That works fine. But, when another EXTI pin is initialized, I am not able to disable it. The MCU wakes up when this pin (connector) state is changed, ev...
Hello all, I have a very strange issue with QSPI peripheral. I am using it to store logs in external memory. The flash that is used is MT25QL256ABA with a custom STM32WB55 board. I have connected PModSF3 using jumper wires that are at least 15cm long...
Hello all, Following up on, I tried to implement the same Dual CDC-ACM on STM32H723 Nucleo. I have run into the same issues.With just one CDC_ACM class ...
Hello all,   I am trying to add two virtual COM ports on STM32WB5MMHGx device. The initial code is based out of STM32Cube example: Ux_Device_CDC_ACM. I initially added this piece of code to register the class.       cdc_acm_parameter2.ux_slave_clas...
Hello all, I have not been able to get the DFSDM_AudioRecord example to work on STM32H735G-DK.I am using CubeFW v1.11.2 and Cube MX 6.11.1. Furthermore, I tried debugging and noticed that the DMA Callbacks for Half and Full complete are called. Then ...
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