2021-04-29 12:36 PM
It is very frustrating not having information when a program crashes and the stack trace only provides the following: "No source available for "abort() at"
Viewing disassembly does not provide it either...
Does anyone know how to determine what the source assert message is or must we ask on this forum to have someone at ST tell us what the assert message is when the source is not available?
The particular message I am talking about is:
No source available for "abort() at 0x8041896"
2021-04-29 1:08 PM
Some address in some undefined application, probably not going to get much help with that.
A lot of ST's code has asserts with __LINE__ and __FILE__ references so you don't need source in hand, and someone can look it up. This sort of thing, and hard fault dumps are the sort of thing end-users can push back on developers to help diagnose failure modes/paths.
The binary might contain other strings that would shed some context on the code, sources, and functions surrounding it. A .ELF or .MAP would typically provide symbolic information, narrowing down addresses.
Here, at least you could probably break-point and look at MCU registers and disassembly.
A full disassembly could probably get a good lay-of-the-land.