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Hello,I got a stlm32 disco board. I cannot Flash.So,I used STM32 ST-LINK UTILITY. Any connection fail even under reset. This one show Target Voltage Detection Fail. The board is powered by the USB CN2 Connector. The measurment on the CN4 Connector sh...
Hello,I am usual of Stm32CubeIde. I try first time TouchGFX V 4.21.3 with H747 DISCO.TouchGFX simulator is well working. But after generating (clicking on the project icon in C:\TouchGFXProjects\MyApplication_1) the project in Stm32CubeIde, the build...
Hello,I use ToucheGFXDesigner 4.21.3 for the first time.I have no problem to design the application for the 2 buttoms Run Simulator and Run Target are not Highlitghted. When, I point these buttoms, it's written : Can't run Simulator and Can't run tar...
Dear all,I am using stm32cubeide with stm32l4p5 micro.Everything is working fine but for the first time, I try to write and read my USB key.For that, i use the USB_OTG_FS set upI am able to write and read only one time and the recorded file is OKBut ...