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LIS2DE12 sensor configuration is unclear

Associate III


I'm testing LIS2DE12 accelerometer, trying to communicate with it through I2C. I want to make an interrupt on INT1 when some larger value is present (sensor is being shaken for example). I configured Interrupt to work on Or mode and for starting, just on X high and low events. I want to use internal HP filter, but I do not understand how to configure it, it seems like documentation is a bit short on explaining modes of HP.

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bjgvqQAA.pngI will add register info from datasheet. What is the difference between normal mode with reset and without ? Why should I reset HP filter ? Also, what is in 0x26 register (Reference) ? should I write reference value to it, and filter will filter out anything that is bellow that value? I am really lost in these configs.

Federica Bossi
ST Employee

Hi @DSimp.1​ ,

The HP filter that you're trying to configure works similar to the LIS2DH12's HP filter, which is explain in Section 4.3 of its application note that you can find at this link.

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