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I am trying to use STM32L431RCT6 with STM32CubeIDE and STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.18.1 for a low power mode application. I tried Sleep mode, Stop mode and they both work OK. But the standby mode does not working. The MCU wakes up instantly after entering sta...
I started to use this stlink v3set since year 2023. All works well until recently it get offline and reconnected immediately sometimes. The red light flashes several times then stays on after connect to USB. The STLINK_V3S disk is opened in an explor...
I am using STM32F103RCTx and STM32CubeIDE for developing a small application.I am tuning a vacuum pump DC motor using PWM signal with TIM1 CHANNEL_1. But I hit a small problem when I start debug the board. The motor is running from the time the IDE s...
With STM32CubeIDE and freeRTOS for STM32F429 chips, the IDE generate code using freeRTOS V10.3.1. I could setup heap5 with SDRAM enabled and won't be affected by later regenerating code when changing .ioc file. The cmsis_os2.c file works fine. Both t...
I have been using STM32CubeIDE for quite some time. It's a great tool. How ever, I have been experiencing a bug in project settings since I updated to 1.6.1.Usually, I put my code in a separate folder, thus I could build up a project using existing c...
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