User Activity NASRI @STTwo-32 
Was a thread yesterday about STM32H723 and Winbond W25Q128 seems to disappeared from general visibility.I think there's were two spam posts against it, which I had flagged for deletion, but as I say now I can't see the thread, or the posts / alerts r...
This page  Free Arm Keil MDK for STM32C0, STM32F0, STM32L0 and STM32G0 - C/C++ Compiler, IDE/Debugger, CMSIS components, RTOS for STM32C/F/L/G/0 - STMicroelectronics  and the rabbit hole it goes down is too deep and unnecessarily difficult to navigat... Gamification Failure, nothing above 50/100 levels Cross-references the wrong register, should be RCC_BDCR RM0394 Reset and clock control (RCC)  Pg 2476.2.6 ...