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Thread from yesterday disappeared

Was a thread yesterday about STM32H723 and Winbond W25Q128 seems to disappeared from general visibility.

I think there's were two spam posts against it, which I had flagged for deletion, but as I say now I can't see the thread, or the posts / alerts related to it.


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This one

Pulled from history on other box, but not viable

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The same happened to me a week ago.

Note the "moderation-archive" in the URL (if you'd look into the browser history, that link was different, this result of a redirect).

In the thread I am talking about, there were no spams. It was a question how to find an obsolete (SPL-based) but still publicly available (at least at that very moment, didn't check later) specialized ST library; and in reply I gave a link to ST's page with that library.

I don't like this kind of censorship; this is beyond normal moderation.



We really need to address the Mandela Effect* on this site, bunch of stuff just disappears down the memory hole..

Things I know I saw are just absent from user histories, and any search.

We need some tiered moderation so we can see this stuff, and perhaps have out-of-band conversations about why material was moved/removed, and see edit histories.

*I'm on the time-line where he died twice, was arrested with Joe Biden, and Joe Biden was a train engineer, and was on a train that crossed a road bridge..

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Still broken..

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Still Broken and missing a week later.

Did the post get moved, renumbered, deleted, or just hidden. I'd like to get some prognosis as to what happened here, and understand how to address theses issues moving forward.

Search is not finding it.

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Hello @Tesla DeLorean , 

Thanks for bringing this up. I understand your frustration and apologize for the lack of communication regarding this matter.

The post was removed from the public forum because it was authored by a member account from an embargoed or sanctioned country as defined by the European Union's Export Regulation 2021/821, the US Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and other relevant rules and regulations.
The removal of a conversation is the last resort in our moderation process. It is taken only to ensure compliance with legal regulations and/or the ST Community Terms and Conditions.

I am working to improve the notification system so that other engaged members are rightfully informed about these moderation actions.

I will get back to this topic as soon as I have an update.


In order to give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on 'Accept as Solution' on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

This is getting 1984, so now I can't have conversations with people? Next they'll be door stepping us for using end-to-end encryption, and mean tweets..

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."

I think there needs to be more transparency in the policy, whether its blocking users from specific regions/countries, or blocking downloads.

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Did the contents of the post violate community guidelines or was the post removed because of the nationality or geographical location of the author?

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