User Activity

Does the chip measure time between microsteps to properly compensate BEMF when in voltage mode?
In the STPSIN software, it seems that I am limited to 15609.741 Steps / sec?(See picture below)With a 0.9 degree motor (400 steps / revolution)this limits me to15609 steps/sec * 1 rev/400 steps * 60 sec/1 minute = 2341 RPMIs this the maximum speed o...
From the UM1612 User manual, it says the IBUUI updater tool only works with Windows XP.This is 19 years old? In 19 years, no one has updated the IBUUI updater tool?How do I get the latest firmware on this evalulation board?At the very least, put the...
I know that Vout = Vs * KvalI know that Kval = [(Kval_x * BEMF_COMP) * VSCOMP * K_THERM]*microstepIn the datasheet KVal_x is either KVAL_ACC, KVAL_DEC, KVAL_RUN, or KVAL_HOLDdepending on the state of the motion planner.But, I am not using the inter...