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Introduction RCC clocks can be internally connected to timers. The points addressed here are the following: Finding which clock is connected to which timer.Finding how the clock is connected to a timer.Implementing this connection in STM32CubeMX. Thi...
STM32 FDCAN - How to avoid some communication disruption by choosing appropriate clock values compared to the desired time quantum.
How to access to the right RAMECC monitor to get the RAM failing address when an ECC error occurs?How to translate the content of the failing address register to the actual RAM address (e.g. FADD= 0x2004)? Note: For simplicity and clarity, the descr...
How to find the RAM ECC failing address? How to access to the right RAMECC monitor to get the RAM failing address when an ECC error occurs?How to translate the content of the failing address register to the actual RAM address (e.g. FADD= 0x2004)?Not...
How to use STM32 HAL UART driver API and Callbacks?What are the callbacks involved in UART TX / RX?How are these callbacks called?Why is the callback not called? 1. STM32 HAL UART supports 3 modes for transmitter (TX) / receiver (RX) Polling mode (no...
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