User Activity

I can use listLayout add() item and remove() item good, but I don't knowhow to get selected item number on callBackHandler()?Have any example for me to study ?​void Screen2View::callBackHandler(CustomContainer2 & cc_1){​ listLayout1.remove(cc_1); inv...
I download code on MCU internal rom swipe GUI show is good(video : ).But I download code on external QSPI flash swipe GUI show is delay (video : flash work clock on 100MHz.Why code on external QSPI flash can not work good like MC...
I try to make a custom external loader on "STM32H750B-DK" EVM.The custom external loader file can not work fine. "" is my make external loader file project, but I do knowmy custom external loader file why can not to work fine...
I use STM32H750B-DK to do external loader function. "" is my test code.On below have error happen, I got error while memcmp That's the code that I've used as my base: Settin...
Use TouchGFX designer to run simulator ,but not show simulator result windows.view Log context below, What caused do this?Thanks.