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A warning called be ST generate source code remebers me,I have do solve the "FPU is not initialized"-problem.I haven't decided , wether I use or use not the FPU,but I haven't found any information, what I have to do when I use the FPU or use it not?C...
STM32G474RET / FDCAN1 When I create with a STM32 Project, there will be creatied different startup files (startup_stm32g474retx.s) depending wether I selectTarget Projekt Type "STM32Cube" or "empty"!- STM32Cube => startup_stm32g474retx.s with Copyrig...
Since the description of the FDCAN controller in the reference manual ofthe STM32G474 was not detailed enough, I looked around for more Informationand found the Application Note AN5348 ("FDCAN peripheral on STM32 devices ").But that didn't make me fe...
Because my bare metal version of a ADC1+DMA1+DMA1_CHANNEL1+DMAMUX+TIM3 System will not work,I now try to build such a system using STM32CubeMX/HAL - but with greater problems. Now writing to hdma->Instance->CCR fails, when I stepinto MX_ADC1_Init(),i...
Since 25 years I use functions or macros like #define usTimeRead() ((int16_t) (SysTick->VAL >> 1))   #define usTimePlus(TP, US) ((int16_t) TP - ((int16_t) US * (int16_t) 85))   #define usTimePast(TP) (((int16_t) TP - usTimeRead()) > (int16_t) 0)t...
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