2021-10-29 6:49 AM
Since the description of the FDCAN controller in the reference manual of
the STM32G474 was not detailed enough, I looked around for more Information
and found the Application Note AN5348 ("FDCAN peripheral on STM32 devices ").
But that didn't make me feel more confused.- but that didn't answer my
questions, I'm even more confused now
At the moment I am busy sending CAN messages.
According to AN5348, the FDCAN has dedicated Tx buffers and optionally
a Tx FIFO or a Tx queue (Figure 4. CAN message RAM mapping.)
The FDCAN controller on the STM32G474 seems to be like a
minimal implementation of the controller described in the AN5348 -
obviously 32 Tx buffers are possible, but the STM32G474 has according to.
Reference Manuel only 3 of them. And as I understand I understand, they are
used as a TxFIFO or a TX queue - therefore there are no "dedicated" Tx buffer !?
Or can I simply use the 3 buffers in a detected manner by ignoring
the TXFQS registers and working only with registers TXBRP, TXBAR and TXBTO?
I am also not quite clear what the distinction Tx buffer
and Tx queue is all about (AN5348 / p.23): Figure 19. Mixed
configuration with dedicated Tx buffers and Tx queue)?
Actually I would like to use a buffer for cyclic
sending messages with high priority, a second buffer
should be feeded permanently from a software FIFO by means of an
interrupt, while the third shuold be keept free for later expansions -
I am not sure now, whether that can be implemented with the
FDCAN controller of the STM32G474?
2023-07-26 1:26 AM
I have similar struggels with the documentation. What is the difference between FIFO and Queue? I assume that queue is equal to "buffers". you can put 3 messages into these buffers and they are processed according their priority.
There is a HAL function to write into message ram (which contains the tx buffers) "FDCAN_CopyMessageToRAM". This takes a parameter "buffer index". But this function is static ( not accessible from outside the FDCAN module)
Another strange thing:
There is a tx complete callback. You can register a function pointer to it. You get a callback, when a transmit is completed. You get the bitfield "TO" from Register FDCAN-TXBTO. This bitfield contains a bit per transmit buffer. These bit are set to 1, when a transmission is done. But there is no method to reset these bit except for sending another message with the same tx buffer.
If I use the following sequence:
That's strange. Is this meant to be that way? During the callback I cannot determin, which TX buffer has caused the callback, because the bits from other buffers keep being set.
What is the concept here?
2023-09-02 9:03 AM
I am also struggling with the STM32G4 fdcan library, did you figure out if Rx and Tx use the same buffer? Have you managed to increase the Rx or Tx buffer size from 3?
Thanks for the info you have provided so far
2023-09-15 6:28 AM
Hello Anon
As I recall, on the STM32G4 the TX Buffers are fixed to 3 (hardware). It cannot be changed