User Activity

1) A tool "stm32pio" (converts stm32cubeide projects to platformio and facilitates including later STM32CubeIDE tweaks) requires STM32CubMX installed. Will this discrete install be compatible with the IDE version? or should I somehow instruct stm32pi...
I'm using a Nucleo -64 stm32f030r8 board.I've looked at various "blinky" tutorials and they all seem to just pick a a pin out of the air as the LED pin and then flash it through HAL_Toggle_Pin. I have the datasheet for the device but I seem to be bli...
I'm getting this _apt error when running the 1.7 install script. Since it's a temporary directory created by the install script I cant do any chown/chmod. Is it something I need to worry about?Setting up segger-jlink-udev-rules (7.22a) ... Setting u...
Hi,(1) Is it ok to install the IDE as my user and not via sudo? It seemed to be ok until I had some later issues which I wont go into here just yet as almost certainly "user error".(2) I installed the ide (as user), and because it was saying it could...