2021-09-27 1:21 AM
1) A tool "stm32pio" (converts stm32cubeide projects to platformio and facilitates including later STM32CubeIDE tweaks) requires STM32CubMX installed. Will this discrete install be compatible with the IDE version? or should I somehow instruct stm32pio to utilise the stm32cubemx component of the ide?
2) Cant run STM32CubeMX : I downloaded and installed 6.3.0 into bin/thirdparty/STM32CubeMX and then symlinked the app into my bin directory. When I run it I get:-
➜ ~ STM32CubeMX
Check exe path on linux
FullExe path1 is: /home/rgr/Dropbox/homefiles/directories/bin/thirdparty/STM32CubeMX/STM32CubeMX
Exe path is: /home/rgr/Dropbox/homefiles/directories/bin/thirdparty/STM32CubeMX
Search java from relative path ----
Checking java in /home/rgr/Dropbox/homefiles/directories/bin/thirdparty/STM32CubeMX/./jre/bin/java
current working dir : /home/rgr
av[0] STM32CubeMX
New current working dir /home/rgr
Full command: /home/rgr/Dropbox/homefiles/directories/bin/thirdparty/STM32CubeMX/./jre/bin/java
-args[0] java
-args[1] -jar
-args[2] STM32CubeMX
Error: Unable to access jarfile STM32CubeMX
I don't know enough about Java but the jarfile is in a subdirectory below the symlink. I also tried adding the STM32CubeMX install directory to the path directly.
What silly thing have I done wrong?
2021-09-27 2:28 AM
As usual, after posing the Q I found a solution of kind. It seems my system doesn't know how to run a non-suffixed jar. So this worked:-
java -jar ~/bin/thirdparty/STM32CubeMX/STM32CubeMX
I don't know why I need to do this, but will look it up later.