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Hello , I'm using Nucleo-G431RB board , and I am trying to flash the MCU via UART1 using PA9 and PA10 pins but I can't make it work .. I get an error like "Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial ...
Hi ;I'm trying to configure the ADC1 and ADC2 modules to get them triggered via tim1_trgo2 for a dual simultaneous regular conversion start but no success until now .Before I tried to do this I verified that I can succesfully trigger these modules ov...
Hi ;I need to know if it is possible to get 15 ADC samples from 15 ADC conversion ICs over SPI protocol with a single conversion trigger. My MCU has only 6 SPI peripherals and 3 of them have 16bits data size and the other 3 SPI have 32bits spi data s...
Hi everyone ;I am having a strange issue with IAR . I configured the mcu via cubemx and generated it then I build all the files but I got the errors in the attached files when I try to download the code into the MCU . But I don't get any issuse with...
Hi ;I am having a confussion on how to set the interrupt priority of a desired peripheral . I am using IAR IDE version 3.11.1 and the MCU is STM8S103F3F6 . I need to know which interrupt table IRQ number I should take account to configure the interr...
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