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PWM no signal

Associate II

I've wrote a code without using Hal to produce a signal on the scope but i'm not getting any signal on my pin.

This is on a NUCLEO F401RE. Using TIMER3_CHANNEL1 and GPIOB for my Alternate function.


#include <stdint.h>
#include "stm32f4xx.h"
#include "stm32f401xe.h"
#define CMS_6 (1U<<6)
#define CMS_5 (1U<<5)
int main(void)
//Enable clock access to TIMER3/PWM
RCC->AHB1ENR |= (1U<<1); //GPIO Port B enable
RCC->APB1ENR |= (1U<<1); //Timer clock enable
//Set alternate function mode PB4(D5)
GPIOB->MODER |= (1U<<9);
GPIOB->MODER&=~ (1U<<8);
GPIOB->AFR[0]|= (1U<<18);
//Enable Timer
TIM3->CR1 |= (1U<<0)|(1U<<7); // Counter Enable , 
TIM3->CR1 &=~CMS_6 ;/*Edge aligned mode
TIM3->CR1 &=~CMS_5;                     */
TIM3->CR1 &=~ (1U<<4);// Direction Enable used as upconter 
//Setting PWM mode 1 (OC1M),(OC1PE)
TIM3->CCMR1 |=((1U<<6)|(1U<<5))| (1U<<3);
//Event Generation register
TIM3->EGR |= (1<<0);
//Capture Compare enable register/Enabled Channel 1
TIM3->CCER |= (1U<<1);
//PWM frequency  = Frequency clock/PSC/ARR 42Mhz/1000
//PWM Duty cycle = CCR1/ARR = 50% Duty cycle.
TIM3->PSC  =42;
TIM3->ARR  = 1000;
TIM3->CCR1 = 500;  //Duty cycle 50% , counting from 0 to a 1000;



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Is the goal to write the most inefficient code, that's hard to maintain too?

TIM3_CH1 is AF2 on PB4

ARR and PSC are set as N-1 values

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View solution in original post

Chief III

>I've wrote a code without using Hal to produce a signal on the scope but i'm not getting any signal 

So use Cube/HAL , to see, how its done. Even if you dont like it.

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Read out and check/post content of TIM and relevant GPIO registers.

> GPIOB->AFR[0]|= (1U<<18);

This sets AFR for PB4 to 0b0100 = 4, that's not what you want.


Associate II

This is a reference of the datasheet. The reset values are 0's hence, I am trying to SET pin 18 and leave the rest to 0 as highlighted. Not sure what  you meant by saying that's not what I want ? Any further explanation would be helpful . Thanks






Is the goal to write the most inefficient code, that's hard to maintain too?

TIM3_CH1 is AF2 on PB4

ARR and PSC are set as N-1 values

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I've made changes and took on your advice , wasn't getting a signal still when I run it . I know when using CUBE/HAL you need to set the clock config tree, and as I'm writing manually I don't have anything set for it ,could that be the issue?

You should have some output without configuring the clocks in RCC, too, as the whole mcu runs out of the default HSI RC oscillator at 16MHz.

Read out and check/post content of TIM and relevant GPIO registers.



How about:


Use bit names instead of magic numbers!


Also, timer clock frequency is 84 MHz (2 x ABP1 frequency).

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Nice catch!